Phone: 07443 228077 email:
Phone: 07443 228077 email:
A free hot meal cooked by a team of volunteers. Each Tuesday 5pm arrival, eating about 5.30pm.
Come for a social, enjoyable time together.
If you fit the age profile you are welcome.
Free Pizza and drinks.
Games, pingpong, badminton or just sit and chill.
One BIG question each week to ponder...
12.30pm each Friday at Holy Trinity, we gather around a bring and share lunch share our response the the next exciting instalment of the bible.
No bible knowledge or reading skills are needed - just you!
Taking a break until 6th September
A time of open , informal worship and prayer. Usually with a theme to focus our prayers each week.
At Holy Trinity at 6pm each week.
We meet for worship at 10am on a Sunday at St. Cuthbert's Church, Red House and at 11.30am at Holy Trinity Church, Southwick.
These are mostly Holy Communion services but once a month each church has a service of Morning Praise led by a leader who is not a priest. An opportunity to do something different in worship and also for our lay people to exercise their valuable ministry.
Mother's Union meet once a month on the first Tuesday of each month (except January) at 2pm at Holy Trinity Church.
You don't have to be a mother to join and work towards the well being of our city and community.
Holy Communion is sharing bread and wine to remind us of Jesus' last supper with his friends when gave them to eat saying "do this to remember me". We find here a closeness with Jesus and feeding of our souls.
Tuesdays @ 4pm Holy Trinity
Wednesdays @ 6pm St. Cuthbert's
Keep and eye on the weekly notices sheet for any changes especially during the summer and other holidays.
A chance for a night out with friends - a cuppa, good company, raffles and who knows, maybe a win!
We believe that life is better when we do it together. That's why we offer opportunities to watch this amazing series and share our thoughts.
Sundays at 6pm followed by Compline (a short night prayer)
We have recently finished series 4 and await the next one. We will be watching other series based on the life of Jesus in the meantime
Prayer Hub. Fridays 6 - 7pm
There is a green hill far away..... (well quite near actually)
This is my body - we remember Jesus gave us bread and wine to remember his body and blood.
The saddest day but the most hopeful! Rolling the stone over the tomb entrance.