Phone: 07443 228077 email:
Phone: 07443 228077 email:
Holy Trinity Church sits at the west end of Southwick Green opposite the police station. We meet at 10am on Sundays for Holy Communion. There is a group for enquirers on Tuesdays 5pm, a toddler group on Friday morning, Bible group at 12.30 Friday lunchtime and Prayer Hub (informal worship & prayer) at 6pm on Friday evenings
Sunday 11.30am - Holy Communion
Tuesday 4pm - Holy Communion
Tuesday 5pm - Winter Warmer (Nov - March)
Tuesday 5pm - Enquirers group (for those exploring faith) from March - October
Wednesday 2pm - Seated exercise
Thursday 11am - 3pm ESOL class
Friday 10am - Toddlers
Friday 12.30 - Bible Group
Friday 6pm - Prayer Hub
Monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month Mothers Union meet at 2pm
There is a small meeting room at the back of church which is available to use as a community meeting area. Please talk to the clergy or churchwardens.
We have plans to do some adjustments to the building in order to make it more useful for hospitality.
Ring Jennifer Bradshaw on 07443228077 for more details