Phone: 07443 228077 email:
Sundays: Holy Trinity, Southwick 11.30am St. Cuthbert, Red House 10.00am
*see notices for any changes

Phone: 07443 228077 email:
*see notices for any changes
All about how to book a baptism/Christening in our parish. Click the image above
All about how to book a wedding in our parish. Click image above
Paula Barber is our Parish Safeguarding officer.
Our safeguarding policy and all contact information including links to the Diocesan Safeguarding webpage are on the Safeguarding page
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is a way of giving to your church in the most secure way possible - by direct debit.
Click on this link to see how it works. Click on the icon above for a link to more information. To explore signing up click below.
If you would like to make a one off donation to the work of the parish or sign up to give regularly please click here
Or on the icon above or button below.
Blackwood Road, Town End Farm, SR5 4PW
The Diocese of Durham is the Church of England from the Tyne to the Tees and the Dales to the sea. The vision is to be a blessing to our communities in Jesus' name for the transformation of us all.
WELCOME to North Wearside Parish, a Church of England Parish in Sunderland with two church buildings Holy Trinity in Southwick & St. Cuthbert, Red House and supporting St. Bede's Community Project in Town End Farm.
We are members of this community. As Church we are seeking to know God better through his Son, Jesus Christ. We meet to receive his healing and blessing in our lives so that we can, in turn, be a blessing to our local communities.